U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary National Web Site
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Are you crew qualified?  Our Flotilla Staff Officer for Operations (FSO-OP), Vice Flotilla Commander (VFC) or Flotilla Commander (VC) will inform by email or by phone crew qualified members of the Flotilla any regularly scheduled patrols or any new patrol announcements requesting additional crew.  If you do accept to crew on a Facility outside of Flotilla 31, remember protocol and procedures and make sure you inform by phone or email the FSO-OP, VFC and VC about the patrol and who the coxswain will be.  In addition to the above established communication channels aimed to share crew patrol information, it is recommended by the Chief Director of Auxiliary Surface Operation that all crew qualified members obtain access to the Patrol Order Management System (POMS) where a crew member can check on-line and in real-time what patrols are scheduled and which Facilities in Sector are still in need of additional crew.  For information about how to download the POMS access program, visit: http://cgauxsurfaceops.us/POMS.htm

Are you a boat owner?  You do not have to be qualified in the Boat Crew or Coxswain program to offer your boat as a Facility.  If you are a member of our Flotilla and wish to have your boat classified as a USCG Auxiliary Operational Facility, review the requirements for your boat on the following form (http://forms.cgaux.org/archive/a7003f.pdf) and then contact our Flotilla Staff Officer for Vessel Examinations (FSO-VE) to schedule an inspection of your boat.


If you are a member of the Flotilla and want to undertake the training to become Boat Crew qualified and then perhaps even Coxswain qualified, contact the Flotilla Staff Officers for Personnel Services and for Member Training (FSO-HR and FSO-MT).

To help you become a qualified boat crew member and then a coxswain you can download the material from the download section of this site
Learn more about Auxiliary operations. Study the operations manual and take the online test. The operations manual is available here, http://www.uscg.mil/directives/cim/16000-16999/ and take the test online.
Operational Links
  • National Response Department



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