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Safe Boating Tips

Always remember to file a float plan!

  • Always wear your life jacket.
  • Alcohol and safe boating operation just don't mix.
  • Know how to swim.
  • Read the owner's manual for your boat.
  • Always maintain a good look where you're going. Stay to the right of oncoming vessels.
  • Keep a whistle or horn readily available.
  • Stay away from tugs, towboats and large ships.
  • Stay away from swimming beaches, waterfront residences, jetties, dams and shallow water.
  • Don't cut in front of other boats or jump wakes.
  • Check the pressure gauge on your fire extinguisher.
  • Show consideration to others; be courteous and use common sense in the operation of your craft.
  • Be thoroughly familiar with the maneuvering characteristics of your craft.
    Always be considerate of other water enthusiasts. Be responsible. Be safe.
    Your life may depend upon it!

Please remember to contact the National Response Center at 800-424-8802 for reporting suspicious activity, oil spills, hazmat releases, and America's Waterway Watch.
















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